Every month since 2001 I have made a small slide show here on viaalpina.dk.
There will always be a general theme, so that the pictures in its row tell a small story, just like
at a slide show in reality.
On most websites old galleries are removed after some time, but as I find my picture descriptions from
different climbing or hiking trips are of permanent value, I have decided to let all my galleries to remain
active here on viaalpina.dk, at least for a while. Here below you thus will find links to all galleries I
have drawn up for 2005-2008, finishing with a link back to the galleries for 2001-2004.
However, due to lack of time, I have not been able to make the translation into English the last
three years. Recently I have started to translate a few of them, but for a long time
ahead a lot of the galleries will only be available in the Danish version.