Every month since 2001 I have made a small slide show here on viaalpina.dk.
There will always be a general theme, so that the pictures in its row tell a short story, just like
at a slide show in reality.
On most websites old galleries are removed after some time, but as I find my picture descriptions from different climbing or hiking trips are of permanent value, I have decided to let all my galleries remain active here on viaalpina.dk, at least for a while. Here below you thus will find links to all galleries I have drawn up for 2009-2012, finishing with a link back to the galleries for 2001-2008. |
Gallery - slide shows 2013-2016 |
December 2012: Run in Dyrehaven |
November 2012: Hiking in Chew Valley | October 2012: Basecamp Vitasjö | Sep. 2012: Aniversary on Faulhorn |
Aug. 2012: Climbing Quandary Peak | July 2012: Climbing Wurmtaler Kopf | June 2012: On the west coast | May 2012: Attempt on Mount Whitney | April 2012: Visit in Bratislava |
March 2012: Walking around Lansing | February 2012: A hike on the Halland Trail | January 2012: To Pirca de Polacos | Decemb. 2011: Winter weekend in Zermatt | November 2011: A day in Belém |
October 2011: New attempt on Savalan | September 2011: Thru bush to Vose | August 2011: Climbing of Niesen | July 2011: Day hike to Kreuzboden | June 2011: From Adyrsu to Adylsu |
May 2011: Alone through Värmland | April 2011: Hiking to Mästocka | March 2011: Anhalter Bahnhof | February 2011: The eternal city | January 2011: Journey to Ramada |
December 2010: Day hike to Esterberg | November 2010: Ryssberget | October 2010: Croce di Reit | September 2010: A trip on the Fjord trail | August 2010: Kite Lake peak-bagging |
July 2010: Climbing of Piz dal Lec | June 2010: Running in Geelskov | May 2010: View to Half Dome | April 2010: Delicate rocky arches | March 2010: On a wrong track in Wales |
February 2010: Snowy winter in Denmark | January 2010: Winter in London | December 2009: Sun and snow on Wank | November 2009: West of London | October 2009: Detour from everyday |
September 2009: Storm across Sälen | August 2009: World Outgames 2009 | July 2009: Schönbiel | June 2009: A mountain trip for all |
May 2009: Gallery #100 |
April 2009: America's largest hole | March 2009: Running San Bruno Mountain | February 2009: On the rim of Isaberg | January 2009: The Silent | Galleries 2005-2008 |