As a mountaineer throughout the last 32 years, I have collected a fair amount of experience,
which I intend to put on this webside in time. This site went public in
February 2001, and mostly I focus on the pages in the Danish section, now and then
translating some of the pages into English. With time I intend to translate all my galleries
into English, but otherwise this English section
will only occasionally be updated. But you are free to bookmark this page and check for updates.
Latest update of the English section: 30-06-2020
Latest larger update: December 2019 gallery:
Winter demands winter tights.
About every month I upload a row of pictures, all of them focusing on a specific theme. You will
find an index of the slide shows here: Gallery
Winter demands winter tights
Focused on Switzerland, this is the primary part of the Danish version of ViaAlpina. A few pages has been translated into English. Mountaineering
Switzerland in particular: Switzerland
Diary of the Danish Makalu Expedition
The Danish Makalu Expedition took place in the spring season of 1997, and during the expedition the diary could be read on the internet, updated by satellite phone. As from now the complete diary can be found here: Diary
Send your comments to jan(at)viaalpina(dot)dk.